LG History & ADK Facts
Stepping Stones Resort was built in 1968 and is located on the southeastern edge of the Adirondack Park. The ADK Park was created in 1892 by the State of New York and encompasses approximately 6 million acres. Today the Park is the largest publicly protected area in the contiguous United States, greater in size than Yellowstone, Everglades, Glacier, and Grand Canyon National Park combined.
Lake George is 32 miles long, 3 miles wide at its widest point, and reaches depths of nearly 200 feet. According to the Lake George Association, the lake was formed around 10,000 - 12,000 years ago by earthquakes and glaciers.
(Photo: Stepping Stones in the mid-1990s.)
The French and Indian War
(Seven Years' War)
In September 1755, a series of three battles between British and French forces occurred at the southern end of Lake George. These collectively are known as the Battle of Lake George, commonly considered one of the first major victories for the British against the French.